Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Being a Mom

Jack has been sick for the last couple of days. So sad I know. I took him to the doctor this morning just in case and she assures me that he will be fine in a few days. I really hate it when he is sick because he is at an age where you really can't give him any medicine. A little Tylenol and that is it. So you have to sit back and watch while he can't breathe at night and coughs all night. But for me there is a silver lining. Yesterday while I was putting away the dishes I had leaned down to put something in a cupboard and Jack came over and gave my back a big hug. Then he just sort of rested his head there for awhile. When I tried to stand up he wouldn't let go. You see when Jack gets sick he gets very clingy and wants to be held as much as possible. Since I love to cuddle this is more than ok, to me it is one of the perks of being a mom! So even though after he finally let go of me and ran over and knocked his bowl of Kix everywhere (luckily they were still dry) I am still just as happy to be a mom.

1 comment:

Megan said...

And you're such a good one, too!!