Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bee's Game

Last Saturday we went to a Bee's Game with Sean's parents and our friends Amber, RD and their little girl Rylee. I knew going into it that I wasn't going to be able to watch much of the game, with Jack being there and all, but I can honestly say that I didn't watch any of it. I fed Jack his hot dog, which was disgusting, ketchup everywhere. We had a little scare when Doris felt sick (a little heat exhaustion) but a little time in the First Aid Station and she was good as new. Walking up and down the stairs with Jack took the majority of my time. The stairs were just his size and he could walk up and down without any help, so he wanted to do it over and over again. Those poor people sitting next to the aisle, at first they loved seeing Jack, but then I am sure they were like, hey lady take your son and sit down. He loved the Bee, though we were there to see the famous chicken, he loved the Bee better. He had no interest in the chicken. All in all it was a fun family outing. We had a few crying spells, but when don't you? Hopefully next summer Jack will actually be interested in baseball and then we can sit and watch.

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