Sunday, September 25, 2011

Paint the Garage

I decided to take a few days off work to help take care of the kids while Sarah and the baby were in recovery. While home I ran out of things to do with the kids so I thought I would tackle a project that has been looming in the back of my mind for a while...paint the garage! As I wrangled this task I became more aware of my surroundings and learned quite a few things. I hope this tidbit of information will prove useful to any others trying to decide if they should try to accomplish this great feat.

1. I turned on the radio to 97.1 ZHT. Self help audio-books are the route I usually take but I feel like my knowledge of the newest craze has slipped. What I learned is ZHT has a grand total of 10 songs in their studio. I kept listening to the same 6 songs over and over again. I had heard all the songs maybe once before but now I know every word, artist, next concert, latest gossip, and others interpretations of the lyrics of these 6 songs.

2. Radio advertising must be the only effective marketing for car dealerships. With a credit score of 550 or better I'm approved and treated the same as everyone else.

3. Though garbage bags make a fun outfit for a kid to wear while rarely will limit or restrict the amount of paint that gets all over their body. Chances are someone is going to step in the paint tray then flip their foot around till the paint is either gone or dry.

4. If you need to teach your almost 2 year old daughter how to unlock a door from the inside simply leave some paint, paint brushes, and used paint rollers on the other side of the door...lock it...then go take a shower. Lyla taught herself how to unlock a deadbolt and open the door, along with a couple other special painting skills.

5. Next time I will ask every single neighbor I have if they have a paint sprayer. Don't wait till you go to get a soda at Maverick after completing the project and see your "across the street" neighbor there and learn that he has a very nice paint sprayer. If you slip them a baksheesh I'm sure they would be more than happy to help.

6. Spending time with my kids doing this project made it completely worth while.

Let me know what you have learned while painting your garage.

I had to up the cuteness factor of this post with the latest pic of Emmett!


Megan said...

What a great daddy you are! And, OHMYWORD, I cannot wait to get my hands on that little Emmett..

Justin said...

SO... I think we have that same picture of Dad and us boys a long time ago painting the garage. Cute pix. We're excited to see little Emmett.