Saturday, October 25, 2008

Party Time

The week before Halloween we were invited the annual Hale-o-ween Party thrown by our friends the Hales. It was a blast! Everyone is required to wear costumes and it was fun to see everyone dressed up. Jack this year was a Jack-o-lantern. Sean tried for days to find a Joker costume but we couldn't find anything that worked, so we improvised. The face was enough to make little girls cry, so I guess we didn't need the suit.

This is the only good picture of Jack with his "top" on. You can see how happy he was to have it on.

Here is all three of us.

It was a fun party! Sarah H. was a trooper for having it, seeing as how she had a baby 5 days before!!

1 comment:

aShLie JaNe said...

You guys look awesome1 Sean looks a bit creepy! Looks like you guys had a PARTAY!!