Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bed Time

Lately Jack has been really funny about going to bed. He will go with no fuss as long as he can take his favorite toy from that day along with him. Last week it was a bunch of ballons that Grandma Doris had given him. Then it was his ball or stuffed dog. Tonight it was a little bin full of cars. The funny thing is that they aren't his cars. We went and visited our friends, the Hale's, who just had baby #2 this last weekend; Lucy, and she is so cute and tiny I wanted to bring her home. Anyway Jack was playing with Emma's cars and when it was time to go he secretly put them all away in the bin and then went and stood quietly by the door. He thought he could sneak them out. Sarah graciously let us "borrow" them for the night so we could advoid a meltdown. But when we got home he wouldn't put them down. I changed him into his pj's while he clung to them for dear life. Then of course they ended up in the crib. It just makes me laugh, and don't worry I always remove the item before I go to bed.

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