Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Fun

There is nothing like a big pool party to kick the summer off right. My uncle Chad had a Memorial Day Family BBQ at his house and it could not have been a more perfect day. There was yummy food, and lots of family to talk to, with some swimming and tennis thrown in too. When Jack's Grandpa went to play tennis Jack wanted to play as well, so he picked up a racket and ball and ran over to play. He tripped on the way over and skinned his knee really bad which resulted in a sad little boy for at least a half an hour. Eventually he joined the kids in the pool though. There was a diving contest with some of the adults. Sean participated and got to show off his gymnastics skills. It was a fun day!!

The girls chatting away, I am trying to console Jack who had just tripped.

Grandpa, Jon and Ava.

Jack recovering from his fall.

Sean doing a front handspring.

Aunt Pam playing with the kids in the pool.

Jack getting back in on the fun.


The Doroughs said...

Hey Sarah- Looks like a fun memorial day. Hope everything is going well. Are you prego yet? Time to kick out another one. We might be coming out in August. If so lets get together.

Melissa said...

I am sad I missed this fun fun day. I guess we will just have to plan on flying out for all major and minor holidays.