27 Dresses
Last weekend my mom called, "Let's go see 27 Dresses." I couldn't get in the car fast enough. I was so excited to spend an afternoon getting lost in a romantic comedy. The movie starts out with the introduction of Katerine Heigl's character, Jane. She is a New Yorker who works her day job well but her true love is helping friends plan their weddings. It is at one of her friends weddings that she meets Kevin, played by James Marsden, a reporter for a New York paper. The story is cute and somewhat predictable, although most chick flicks are. Katherine Heigl pulls off Jane perfectly, I was glad that she never went into damesel in distress mode. James Marsden does a great job and I am just glad that someone finally realized that he is a leading man not a supporting. Judy Greer does a good job as the crazy best friend and has a few good one liners. This was a fun movie and I am sure that I will watch it over and over much to the dismay of my husband. Peaches
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